The Left Lung Breathes aims to bring light to workers’ and queers’ political organizing in an expressive, empowering collection by creating a cast of five leftist collaborators in fashion, photography, and video to fundraise for Red Ink Community Library. Co-designed and catered to the interests of each collaborator, the garments explicitly embody anti-imperial, liberatory, decarceral, and/or queer messaging. Drawing from each model’s heritage and personal struggle, the aesthetic blends contemporary leftist symbolism, text, and color with the delight of being your own flashy superhero. It is made using upcycled, recycled, thrifted, and organic reduced-waste materials through FABSCRAP Brooklyn.
This page hosts a video showcase, runway documentation, print series, gallery documentation, and a guidebook.
Collaboration with Simone Klein, Davi, Protyasha, Laurel Meshnick, and Lyric
Special thanks to the Brown Arts Institute for which this project would not be possible
Video Showcase

Simone Klein


Laurel Meshnick

Debuted on the Brown 13th Annual Fashion Show runway, under Design Direction by Seabass
Runway photography by Glenn Wang @wangglenn

Gallery Documentation

The Left Lung Breathes was on view at Small Format in Providence from June-September with prints available to fundraise for Red Ink Community Library.