Model: Manuel Camarillo
Shoes: Adidas X Pharrell Williams

Photographer: Huayu Ouyang
Model: William Irving
Photography: Huayu Ouyang
Shoes: Adidas X Pharrell Williams
Makeup: Fashion@Brown Team

Photo: Nick Michael

Model: Emmanuel Verde Reyes
Shoes: Adidas X Pharrell Williams
Makeup: Fashion@Brown Makeup Team
Photo: Naomy Pedroza @naomypedroza
Photo: Nick Michael
Photo: Naomy Pedroza @naomypedroza

Model: Andy Zhou
Photography: Huayu Ouyang
Makeup: Fashion@Brown Team
Shoes: Adidas X Pharrell Williams

Photo: Emily Kompelein

Photo: Naomy Pedroza

Photo: Nick Michael

Photo: Naomy Pedroza
Accompanying video and audio by Seabass
Press for Walk All Over Me

Huge thank you to the Fashion@Brown Photographers I pulled from: Emily Kompelein, Naomy Pedroza, Nick Michael, and Huayu Ouyang
And another huge thank you to the Fashion@Brown Makeup Team led by Yenteen Hu and Amelia Danoff